Biggest news is I’m (temporarily, I hope) unemployed. Life as a contractor. I had notice, and my current employer actually got me another offer before the last one ended, but a week ago that offer was rescinded for mumble mumble …
Category: Domestique
The story of the un-sung heroes of professional road bicycle racing.
Domestique Nearing… Something
The Domestique short has finally reached the stage where the latest cut I got from the editor left me with the feeling I hadn’t wasted $5K. Almost to the point I wouldn’t be embarrassed to actually put it to its …
A Long Time ACommin
OK, I’ve been doing a really crappy job of posting once a week. Part of that is lack of inspiration, but a bulk is because of health issues. I’m suffering from… got no idea, really. Heart is find, lungs are …
Domestique Looked Good
When I first looked at the Domo footage from the DP, it was in ‘log’ mode and was very washed out. Having never worked with any such footage before, it was hard (really, impossible) for me to visualize what it …
Some BTS for Domestique
A few weeks ago we captured the footage for the short version of Domestique, intended to be used to try and get investors onboard the project. My wife captured some behind-the-scenes pictures and videos (at the very bottom is …
Domestique – Short
After much conversation, I convinced my wife to back the funding for a short for my next project: Domestique. My goal is to film a 5-7 minute short at end of August this year, then to use it as …
From Echoing Nada to a Peep
This is a follow on to an earlier post. I didn’t even get snarky comments, so decided on a broader, more open-ended one:
A peep or twain and I started communication with one fellow writer/director in the DC …
I believe I’ve settled on my next film project (assuming RedDom doesn’t wind up attracting attention in the next year or two). It’s about professional road bicycle racing, but focuses on the domestique, or the guys who support the …
Editing is Done!
Wow, what a long strange trip this has been. Treasure Hunt is finito, insofar as I have no intention to make any other changes, unless it’s a technical thing. John, the writer/director who helped me with the sound, pointed out …
This post is devoted to providing background to how I got to the point where I created a crowdfunding page for my first movie. It’s intended for the friends and family I haven’t contacted in a while (in some …