Filming starts tomorrow!

At long last, tomorrow at 9 AM I officially become a director.  I figured I’d be excited or nervous, but mostly I’m tired.  I expect I’ll be more tired still by Monday, but building a house and greenhouse/pool has prepared …

More on Auditions

I’m almost done with auditions, and about ready to start the agonizing process of selecting who to cast.  There have been a number of surprises in this process, though.  I was initially contacted by 66 people for one or more …

A busy two weeks!

I’ve been a bit overwhelmed the last two weeks, so didn’t get the blog post last week.  But so much has happened, most of it really great, that I need to do an update.

I created an ad that I …

Got me a DP

Last Thursday I met with young Nathan Airey, to see if we clicked in person like we’d been clicking via email.  We’d been swapping emails ever since I posted to Reddit asking for places to look for Directors of Photography …