A Beautiful Dream was pushed so far back on the stove that I considered it effectively dead. Which was sad, but I felt the required production values (much if it takes place in a high-end mansion) were too much to …
Author: mitusents
Horror on Hiatus
So, the good news is I’m 90% likely to get a new job without any pause in compensation. The bad news is my position has been cut. Due to the uncertainty, I’ve put the Lily horror on indefinite hold. It …
Sound in the Works
I finally managed to find someone interested in taking on the challenge of sound on Treasure Hunt who is a) willing to work for reel/credit b) follows through on his interest and c) actually does a good job (well, better …
A Long Time ACommin
OK, I’ve been doing a really crappy job of posting once a week. Part of that is lack of inspiration, but a bulk is because of health issues. I’m suffering from… got no idea, really. Heart is find, lungs are …
Oh and Three
Got my final rejection for my Dominatrix script. The Virginia Film Office elected not to proceed. Interestingly, the reader had some very supportive comments:
…This is a story with great potential. The bones of it – a dominatrix that is
Much Ado About Nothing, Or So It Seems
Nearly two weeks ago I was notified that Treasure Hunt was accepted into a festival. In those two weeks, the festival has neither returned my emails or made any updates to their website. As such, I have to assume …
After some deep thought, I’ve decided to give up on the idea of three independent movies for my Dominatrix trilogy. The Dominatrix Wore Red, The Dominatrix Was Blue and The Dominatrix Went Dark. Sequels always depend on the …
Domestique Looked Good
When I first looked at the Domo footage from the DP, it was in ‘log’ mode and was very washed out. Having never worked with any such footage before, it was hard (really, impossible) for me to visualize what it …
Horror DoA
Whelps, ‘shockingly,’ it turns out my horror concept, Lily’s Party, simply isn’t that novel (whodathought a guy who never watches horror would have a novel horror concept?). Two of the three horror aficionados I asked for input (the third …
And Then There Were None… Wait, What?
So I start to read the final announcement and assume it’s just like all the others:
…Dear Keith,
First – we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for submitting your film to The Clifton Film