Why so quiet?

I think it’s been nearly a month since I posted here (notwithstanding the flurry I just made).  We had a 3 week vacation to the Philippines, for my ‘rents-in-law’s 60th wedding anniversary and my father-in-law’s 85th birthday.  It was a long, arduous trip, 36.5 hours door-to-door on the way out, 45 (!) hours on the way back, though 7 of those were in a hotel.  I blogged about my thoughts here, if you’re curious (read from the bottom to the top):


I got some work done on Treasure Hunt, though not as much as I’d have liked.  I wanted to get a schedule put in place, but eventually decided I wanted to extend my program that split each scene into a web page to also calculate page lengths, which wasn’t something I could do on my Chromebook.  I’ve been so f-ed up with jet lag up to this point that I haven’t been able to focus when I get home from work (as an apropos example, yesterday afternoon I lay down for a brief nap, then woke up at 1:30 AM this morning and am typing this at 3 AM as I’m wide awake now).

I completed the first draft on the sequel to RedDom, which I titled “The Dominatrix Was Blue.”  I’m very happy with it, except for it’s length.  I seem to have a perennial problem with things being too short, though when I mentioned this to a screenplay editor she said not to worry, things almost always fill out during the refining process.

I found myself a DP.  I already have a sound guy (buried in this post) and am now preparing to start casting (the four principal roles, if you’re curious).  First I have to be able to go the afternoons without passing out.  I thought I achieved some mastery over naps last weekend, as I was nap-free on Saturday and Sunday, but yesterday proved that to be an illusion.  Sigh, maybe tomorrow…

Author: mitusents

Biochemist, MBA, then programmer. Now novelist, screenplay writer and hopefully director. What a strange trip it's been.