I usually shorten my titles, I shortened this one to TreasHu and hear it in my mind as Trez You.
“Treasure Hunt” is the name I’ve come up with for my directorial debut. It may also be my last movie, only time will tell. My goal with this is to film it with a ‘nano’ budget of just a couple of thousand dollars, over weekends, with a cast and crew paid via reel, beer and pizza (and the lure of an indoor pool).
I plan to document my trials and tribulations, along with, I hope, my successes, so be sure to check back here if you’re interested in following the adventure.
I’m hoping to write the screenplay such that each 10-20 minute portion can be viewed as if an episode in a TV show, while the feature length (my target is around 100 minutes) can be successfully viewed as a coherent whole.
As I write this, I have a couple of page synopsis written. My intention is to, very soon, begin fleshing that out into the full screenplay. My tentative timeline is to begin filming this summer (2018) and finishing this fall.
If you’d like to participate in some way, feel free to contact me.