Herein are brief descriptions of (most of) the named characters in the Diary of a Contract Killer universe.

NOTE: Contains Spoilers!!!

You've been warned!

Agatha - an arms dealer, favorite of Seacay. Is an excellent cook and described as "bordering on the Rubenesque."

Angelina - daughter of Seacay, lead in the third novel. Follows in his footsteps, but also takes after Isabel and Tessa. Until JJ, nearly exclusively releases her... tensions... with gigolos.

Debbie - Jim's wife, mother of JJ.

Elizabeth - Seacay's target when he first meets up with Isabel. Daughter of Dr. Hubbard.

Eric - a member of the Brazilian intelligence community. Partner with Jeff. Seacay describes him thusly: "white, tall, gangly, blond; he reminds me somewhat of Dolph Lundgren."

Harold - Seacay's father, husband to Harriet.

Harriet - Seacay's mother, wife to Harold.

Dr. Hubbard - a member of the Brazilian intelligence community and father of Elizabeth.

Isabel - a co-lead in the second novel. Voluptuous, raven haired and more intelligent than beautiful (and she's exceptionally beautiful!), she's a member of the Brazilian intelligence community, starting out as a sex lure.

Jeff - a member of the Brazilian intelligence community. Partner with Eric. Seacay describes him thusly: "Black, overly muscled and clearly strong. I almost envy his monstrous arms and thighs... he's bald and has very broad shoulders..."

Jim - ex-military SpecOp pilot turned professional smuggler. A lover of wine and... talks a lot.

JJ - an expert with electronics, specializing in things related to... nefarious arts. Son of Debbie and Jim. Infatuated with Angelina.

Nadine - an arms dealer, daughter of Agatha.

Sarah - a manager at a US agency; a spook, if you will.

Seacay - the lead character in the first novel, co-lead in the second. In unbelievable shape, he's an ex-special forces assassin-for-hire womanizing loner. He has the uncanny ability to assume physical aspects of other people and can 'vanish' while in plain sight. Excellent mimic with eidetic memory, he's fluent in many languages.

Tessa - a co-lead in the second novel. Extremely fit, blonde and a member of the Brazilian intelligence community with exceptionally dangerous abilities in hand-to-hand combat.